Client Profile:
The National Metrology Center (NMC) of Cambodia is a Governmental Institution and is part of the Ministry of Industry and Handicraft. Their main activities are based on law on metrology. The most important services are verification and calibration of measuring instruments. Another important field consists of controls and supervision of prepackages produced in Cambodia. Currently 98 employees are working for the NMC of Cambodia.
Support to update law and regulations in legal metrology, particularly in prepackages to assure fair trade and remove technical barriers to trade. Conduct training of governmental officials in the field of prepackages on the basis of international recommendations OIML and the ASIAN handbook.
Perform training on statistics and reference tests of prepackages. Training of officials in preparation and performing inspections at local factories.
During his assignment, the expert gave an overview of the international recommendations R79 and R87 concerning the labelling and quantity controls of prepackages. In the laboratory of the NMC all participants were able to measure the quantity of products labelled in ml and apply density measurements with pycnometers. The participants were very motivated. The management of the NMC suggested a follow-up assignment to gain more experience in applying quantity controls.