Client Profile:
The client is a business house operating in Nepal with multi-faceted areas of business interest, which includes medical equipment distribution, pharmaceuticals marketing, construction, Hydro Electric Power Generation, solid waste management, Nepalese woolen carpet manufacturing & export, manufacture and sale of medical grade oxygen, Export-Import, international liaisoning, general trading etc. Promoted by a team of qualified young entrepreneurs, the companies under the house command great amount of respect in the Katmandu market in each field they are involved in. Also in hotel management by opening the 4* hotel Basera boutique Hotel in Babarmahl in Katmandu.
– increase of efficiency
– product quality improvement
– further education
– provide a concept
– improvement of market position-training of employees
– general opening procedures
– done all SOP (standards operation procedures) for Food & beverage, kitchen, control, housekeeping, restaurant (outlet) opening procedure
– F&B, kitchen, housekeeping job description
– organisational chart, pre-opening chart
– general idea on construction, equipment position with chairman, project officer and executive chef