Client Profile:
A non-profit organization, educating underpriviledged children and wishing to expand and provide vocational training to youths.
The assignment was described as providing vocational training to teacher trainers. The school was initially undecided about whether the trainings should be focused on the vocational aspect or on the craft angle. In either case, the training had to do with working with one’s hands. The description of my task was changed to ‘crafts with different materials’.
We had 6 fully action packed 2 hr. Zoom meetings, one a week, on topics like Say hello, DIY workshop, ideas and virtues, weather and holidays. We had object assignments in a show and tell format: Propeller (picture), Friend (mixed), Shooter (wood), Scribble (pen and paper), Mask (paint and plastic), wire Lizard (metal), Rag Doll (cloth), Pom-Pom (wool), Sphere (Bamboo), Kite (mixed), First Aid Box and interior (carton)…. 4 PROBLEMS/4 TEACHERS: Tools, Knowledge, Notes, garbage furniture in the Dance Hall, …..the last 15 minutes we had a ‘farewell party’ and all on Zoom! It was fun and we worked hard to make it work.