Client Profile:
The client is a small SME with 10 employees, founded in 2019 and guided by three young designers. ABiR Designers Hub develops, manufactures and distributes garments and accessories for men and women. The brand offers medium to high end products, made out of local, sustainable, environmentally-friendly, natural materials, to both Nepal and global markets, as well as offering design support to others.
- Analyse the business situation, organisation and processes post-Covid 19
- Impart knowledge on basic marketing strategy, key opportunities and threats
- Find tools within in the marketing and production side, to help enable a profitable business
A situational analysis was undertaken according to basic Marketing Mix Instruments, from an “outside” and “inside” view.
Sales and cost figures related to the product lines were collected and analysed.
Based on their Mission and Values, a marketing distribution, product, sales and price strategy, along with a production and personal strategy were devised. Management organisation was improved.