Client Profile:
The client is a natural resort around a 17 meters high waterfall, located 16 km from the city of Matagalpa. The owner and his 12 employees offer hikes to the waterfall and the cave, a bar and restaurant, a hotel, camping, and a variety of adventure tours.
Since the lockdown in early 2020, the foreign visitors, who would count for more than 60% of the visitors, were not able to visit. The owner and his team put their best efforts into adjusting the services for national clients and have improved efficiency to keep as many of the employees as possible.
- Help to make necessary changes in strategy for good, results-oriented management and reporting of finances
- Achieving higher turnover, if possible
- Improve the quality of products and services
Operational processes were analyzed and improved by implementing new tools. Accounting migrated to a new system (Banana). Finance Manager trained and enabled to be more productive and give extra inputs to the business.