Expert Search in December

Despite our extensive database with around 700 active SEC experts, there are still times when we cannot find a suitable person for a specific request. Or the experts registered with us are not currently available.

Please support the SEC by sharing our “Expert search” with your professional network, friends and acquaintances. Perhaps this will lead us to another future SEC expert. Thank you for your support!


Technician air conditioning, refrigeration, natural gas/heat pumps (Assignment no. 4178)
For a 3- to 4-week assignment in Pointe Noire, Congo-Brazzaville, we are looking for a French-speaking specialist for the practical training of technicians in the field of refrigeration and air conditioning technology.

Export specialist (Assignment No. 4181)
For a 12-week remote assignment in Colombia, we are looking for a Spanish- or English-speaking specialist for topics related to export (In-depth knowledge of the European coffee market is desired), who can assist in creating an export plan (logistics) for small quantities of coffee.