Despite our extensive database with around 700 active SEC experts, there are still times when we cannot find a suitable person for a specific request. Or the experts registered with us are not currently available.
Please support the SEC by sharing our “Expert search” with your professional network, friends and acquaintances. Perhaps this will lead us to another future SEC expert. Thank you for your support!
Cook specialised in international gourmet cuisine (Assignment no. 3984)
For a 12-week consultancy assignment in Santa Cruz (Bolivia), we are looking for a Spanish speaking specialist in international gourmet cuisine and possibly vocational training.
Cheesemaker for Gouda and Cheddar (Assignment no. 4142)
For a 3-week assignment in a remote area of Nepal we are looking for an English speaking cheesemaker who can teach the client how to make Gouda and Cheddar cheese. Time of assignment: September or November 2023.
Winemaker (Assignment no. 4141)
For an 8-week assignment in Nepal, starting January 2024, we are looking for an English speaking winemaker to improve wine quality and provide guidance in winemaking. And to support and guide the management of the vineyards.
Physiotherapist (Assignment No. 4150)
For a 2-week assignment in Georgia, we are looking for an English speaking physiotherapist to train physiotherapists at a day care centre for people with disabilities. The expert will ideally have experience with children.
Various requests in the field of “Bakery-Confectionary”
For various clients in different countries, we are looking for specialists in “Bakery-confectionary” for assignments on-site.
- Languages: English, French or Spanish
Various requests in the field of “Cheese dairy”
For various clients in different countries, we are looking for specialists in “Cheese dairy” for assignment on-site.
- Languages: English, French or Spanish
Various requests in the field of “Digital Marketing”
For various clients in different countries, we are looking for specialists in “Digital Marketing” for remote and on-site assignments.
- Languages: English, French or Spanish