Expert Search in May

Despite our extensive database with around 700 active SEC experts, there are still times when we cannot find a suitable person for a specific request. Or the experts registered with us are not currently available.

Please support the SEC by sharing our “Expert search” with your professional network, friends and acquaintances. Perhaps this will lead us to another future SEC expert. Thank you for your support!


A tailor for a tailor shop (Assignment No. 3954)
For an online consultancy assignment in Uganda, we are looking for an English-speaking professional who can take a tailor shop through the process of designing and developing patterns on a computer and on an embroidery machine, improving the quality of existing products and introducing new product lines like hotel uniforms and curtains.

Pedagogue for Nanny Training Academy (Einsatz-Nr. 3951)
For an 8-week online consultancy assignment in Uganda, we are looking for an English-speaking professional to support trainers of an academy for nannies to develop courses on early childhood development, first aid, and domestic aid.

Specialist for Button Mushrooms (assignment no. 3887)
For a 12-week online consultancy assignment in Kathmandu (Nepal), we are looking for an English-speaking specialist in short method composting of mushroom cultivation and in setting up the growing rooms as well as production training for the team.

Various requests in the field of “Bakery-Confectionary”
For various clients in different countries, we are looking for specialists in “Bakery-confectionary”:

  • For a vocational school in Nicaragua (assignment no. 3964)
  • For a vocational school in Bolivia (assignment no. 3975)

Various requests in the field of “Digital Marketing”
For various clients in different countries, we are looking for specialists in “Digital Marketing”:

  • For a financial service provider in Peru (Spanish, assignment no. 3970)
  • For a toy manufacturer in Bolivia (assignment no. 3896)