Despite our extensive database with around 700 active SEC experts, there are still times when we cannot find a suitable person for a specific request. Or the experts registered with us are not currently available.
Please support the SEC by sharing our “Expert search” with your professional network, friends and acquaintances. Perhaps this will lead us to another future SEC expert. Thank you for your support!
Vegetable growing expert (Assignment no. 4116)
Due to the short-term absence of an SEC expert, a request from Nepal needs to be filled: For a 4- to 8-week assignment, we are looking for an English speaking expert who can support a vegetable farm (approx. 60’000 sqm land). There is a lack of farm management tools and techniques to ensure production efficiency, marketing efficiency, resource management, etc.
Sustainable Tourism/Digital Marketing Specialist (Assignment No. 4185)
For a 4-week assignment in Sajama/Bolivia, we are looking for a Spanish speaking professional to train a mountain guide organisation for the better (digital) marketing of a national park and its attractions.
CNC specialist for operation, maintenance and repair (Assignment No. 4189)
For a 3- to 4-week assignment in a polytechnic institute in Nepal, we are looking for an English speaking specialist as soon as possible who can train the employees of a car workshop in maintenance, repair and correct operation.
Landscape Architect or Landscape Gardener (Assignment No. 4186)
For a remote assignment of about 6 weeks (online meetings, at least 2 hours per week), we are looking for an expert for the further development of a historic park resort in Nepal in the fields of landscaping, farming and pond management. Very good English language skills are required for this remote assignment.
Export specialist (Assignment No. 4181)
For a 12-week remote assignment in Colombia, we are looking for a Spanish or English speaking specialist for topics related to export (In-depth knowledge of the European coffee market is desired), who can assist in creating an export plan (logistics) for small quantities of coffee.