The Internet service provider Worldlink in Kathmandu, Nepal, has already been supported several times with SEC consulting assignments since 2012. Three of these were carried out by Volker Kleinn, the last one in November 2019 on a private basis. In retrospect, it was noted with satisfaction that from the second to the third assignment the company has introduced the recommended organization structure, has improved the management processes, developed a detailed budget for the respective fiscal year and has implemented an ERP system.
The next phase of growth of Worldlink again requires restructuring of the organization and realignment of responsibilities and authority to meet the challenges ahead. Therefore the CEO of Worldlink has contacted Volker Kleinn again and asked him to advise them once more. This, for the time being, last assignment was carried out in November 2019, with numerous individual discussions with Board members, the CEO and the Executive management team. It included also workshops with the executive team and key employees.
Throughout the entire period, cooperation with the management and the owners of the company was very good. They are constantly striving to improve the company’s productivity and were therefore open to the SEC expert’s recommendations. The fact that numerous measures have already been taken and responsibilities clarified confirms the success of the consulting work.
About the client
Meanwhile the company has become one of the largest Internet Service Provider in Nepal and therefore an important local employer.
Over the last few years the company achieved a remarkable growth. Over 3.000 employees support around 350.000 retail customers and around 8.500 enterprise customers in more than 70 locations all over the country. Recently the company attracted direct foreign investment, which will help further expansion and growth.
Questions to SEC expert Volker Kleinn
How do you judge the achieved results in general?
The progress since last assignment has shown that the owners of the company have implemented the recommended changes and therefore achieved significant growth.
Which suggestions of the previous assignments have been implemented?
The new recommended organisational strategy was followed, external CEO, CFO and CHRO were hired and a comprehensive planning and reporting mechanism based on an ERP system was implemented.
What generally impressed you the most, positively or negatively?
In spite of rapid growth the company could maintain the high level of quality in service and customer contact. The strengthening of management talent happened very slowly.
What impressed you the most during the recent assignment?
During a “Townhall Meeting” in Kathmandu (about 600 employees were present) the management presented the quarterly results and honored high performing employees of all departments.
What did not work as expected during your last assignment?
Although the company is operating already in more than 70 locations, the authority and responsibility is still centralized. Decentralization was the major topic of the recent assignment.
Are you optimistic that Worldlink will continue to be successful?
Worldlink has the potential to become the largest fiber based ISP in Nepal. I have been asked to assist in the process of decentralization as a consultant to the board and executive management.