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Formulario de donaciòn¿Está interesado en utilizar el SEC en su empresa? Las PYME y las instituciones de formación o capacitación, así como otras organizaciones en los países en vías de desarrollo y Europa del Este, pueden solicitar una persona experta del SEC si necesitan asesoría técnica especializada para superar obstáculos empresariales estructurales y no pueden pagarla al precio del mercado.
La intervención de un experto o experta tiene por objetivo aumentar la competitividad de una empresa o una organización, mejorar el nivel de destrezas del personal y generar empleo.
Cómo proceder:
Contacte al coordinador del SEC en su país, o al equipo SEC en la sede central en Zúrich.
Ejemplos de asesorías ordenadas por país
Descubra más sobre nuestras actividades con ejemplos de consultorías (clasificadas por país).
EJEMPLOS DE CONSULTORÍAS SEC„I just finished our SEC engagement with Mr. Rein Kielstra and am so happy with the results. Mr. Kielstra came with such a deep experience in agriculture and business management that he was able to help me look very critically at our business plan and helped formulate the financial projections to be as accurate as possible and realistic in outlook. I very much appreciated his professionalism, attention to detail, wealth of knowledge, and kindness.’’
„It has been a primary goal of Aqua Alimenta to help our longstanding Regional Coordinator in West Africa, Mr Alex Lalba, to turn a small-scale irrigation programme into a commercial enterprise, and we are very pleased and grateful to SEC and Mr Daniel Fino for having coached him through the business planning process. With his solid plan Mr Lalba will now be able to scale up the outreach and offer services to many more organisations and government institutions in the region.“
„An entrepreneur’s spirit is a long journey that always needs to be monitored in order to stay on the right tract toward our goals. Without mentorship, we will never know and evaluate our own performance. I’m so glad to receive this mentoring support from Swiss Contact for another standard level of finance and accounting system setups. Thanks SEC for helping from the right side of the ecosystem recovery after the pandemics.“
„This was one of the best experiences of our lives, and we feel grateful for Mr. Willi Müller and Swisscontact SEC. His knowledge, hard work and ability to adapt to the local context were truly exemplary. He did not only teach us how to butcher and process a pig, but also how to grow a business and interact with clients.
We know we have a lot to improve and might not have met his high standards in terms of equipment. Yet, through his vision and patience, we were able to see how to grow and develop a meat processing company to international standards. His help and experience saved us a lot of time and money that would have been spent on learning by doing rather than just doing.“
„Jalpa samudyaik laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha ltd is working with Vision of “No going back” and “Three Zero 0” (0- poverty, 0- unemployment and 0 – carbon emission). Mr. Jan Erftemeijer, expert in the field of agriculture, highly supported us to work in these areas. The sessions were facilitated by Mr. Jan Erftemeijer and his presentation sessions were pictorial based and participants conducted practical sessions weekly, so it was very fruitful and highly beneficial to us. We highly appreciate the effort of Mr. Jan Erftemeijer and entire team of the SEC for the support provided during the remote assignment to our organisation.“
„Jalpa samudayik Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha ltd executed agreement with the SEC programme and started a remote assignment in July 2021. The 6 weeks long assignment from profound SEC expert Mr. Jan Erftemeijer supported enterprise development officers to enhance the skill in different subject of agriculture development. This assignment of Mr. Jan Erftemeijer supported the organisation and staff to enhance their skills in the field of agriculture and provided motivation towards our future development.“
„Namaskar! First of all I would like to thank you for managing training and development program for Team Sujal. It was a wonderful experience. Learning various aspects of branding, product development and marketing with prudent experts. Sybille/the expert was amazing at handling our team and her skill delivery was great and her sense of humor was amazing.“
„On the behalf of Aama Kiwi Nursery family we would like to thank you all for your kind support for the betterment of our Farm. The assignment was fruitful for us and we will definitely come back with the implemented results.“
„It was nice and fruitful working with Swisscontact and Mr. Georg. We were in dilemma about a lot of things that need to be sorted out. We learned how the swiss health system is controlling the COVID, what strategies were effective over there and how they are managing the patient flow and treatment at hospital. We were also able to adapt these things in our setup like triaging COVID-19 patients, minimizing visitor flow, separating patients and other safety measures. We were able to manage our patients efficiently and make ourselves safe in this period.“
„Namaste and thank you for all the association done with “Nepali Ghar Hotel” during this hardship period. It was very worth-full advise and guidance from Mr. Rene during covid period. His guidance and comments had helped us to move in this period. We would like to official thank Swiss Contact for this opportunity.“
„Remote Online Session, it was our first experience, though, it was really very valuable and fruitful for us to prepare perfect plan/project with specific goals and actions in detail. Now, we are more confident in preparing a detailed action plan and implantation process. We feel proud ourselves and lucky to learn with the Swiss Expert, we are grateful to the Swisscontact office for this opportunity.“
„Lo que el experto del SEC ha hecho en las tres semanas seguirá siendo un punto de inflexión en la gestión de El Shaddai y sus perspectivas. nos gustó apreciar su trabajo duro, resistencia, adaptabilidad. Confirmamos que se trata de un encargo bien ejecutado por el experto adecuado.“
„Most of the recommendations of Mr. Franz Zettel has been implemented at Shambala Hotel ( About 90% of SEC Experts’ recommendations) and this is a very good news!“
„Vreny showed us how to do things differently and in a more efficient way. We changed the way we had been working so far. The experience with Vreny was just great; she was very professional with great personal interaction skills. This support meant a lot for us and our business.“
„Our teachers have started to implement the tips and tricks which they have learn from you at workshops. I am getting feedback from the students too. According to the students, their teachers have changed. Before they were not appreciated for their work, but now they do. Before classes were boring, but now interesting.“
„Sus excelentes habilidades para enseñar cocina y su personalidad cortés nos han ayudado enormemente en nuestro viaje de mejora. Sin su ayuda y franqueza, el trabajo del personal de cocina habría sido más desafiante. Apreciamos que usted haya sido estricto y exigente y que haya señalado lo que hicimos mal o si teníamos potencial de mejora del negocio. Nos gustó que se refiriera a sus situaciones personales relacionadas con el trabajo.
Hemos aprendido mucho de usted y esperamos aprender más en el futuro. Gracias por ser un profesor extraordinario y estamos muy agradecidos de haberte tenido como nuestro profesor.“
„Por supuesto, también puedo decirle a la gente que es muy importante mantener la cocina limpia. Pero es una gran diferencia si alguien que lo ha practicado durante toda su vida, que es creíble y motiva al equipo.”
„Su sesión, junto con la orientación en profundidad y el enfoque pragmático han contribuido enormemente para el crecimiento de nuestro equipo, así como de la organización. Muchas gracias por su continuo esfuerzo en guiarnos. Su orientación, junto con nuestros continuos esfuerzos conjuntos, nos ha permitido avanzar en la dirección correcta y ha comenzado a dar resultados. Muchas gracias por su valiosa orientación y apoyo los recordamos y echamos de menos a los dos.”
„Thank you for your presence at our school. I learned more things from you, I remember your questions and it is helping me to judge myself. Really it is encouraging me for my work. From admin workshop, I got the way of thinking that is out of the box. Definitely, it helps me to make the vision and dream up to 2024 and I am concentrated to the vision and dream of the school.“
„Nos damos cuenta de que no sabemos cómo hacer todo bien. Estamos creciendo y necesitamos gente que tenga décadas de experiencia para venir a ayudarnos.’’
„Me gustaría expresar mi más sincera gratitud al equipo de Swisscontact Katmandú y al equipo de Suiza por enviar al Sr. Alfred Gafner a Moondance Restaurant and Bar por tercera vez! Han sido tres semanas muy productivas de aprendizaje para mí y mi personal. El Sr. Gafner ha sido de gran ayuda y apoyo a lo largo de su estancia. Swisscontact y el Sr. Alfred Gafner han sido una bendición para toda la familia Moondance y ya estamos recibiendo excelentes críticas de los nuevos platos de nuestro menú creados por el Sr. Gafner, ¡a quien siempre estamos agradecidos! esperamos volver a trabajar con usted en un futuro próximo.”