Client Profile:
The client is a leading Internet Protocol (IP) Based Service Provider. The services mainly cover Home and Enterprise clients. Its services include Home Internet & Digital TV, Enterprise Internet, Enterprise VPN Connectivity, IPLC services, Data Center Services and Cloud Services. The client has more than 1000 employees.
Support HR Department in developing policies, tools, procedures and techniques in relation to HR management issues like workforce managment, competency development, performance improvement and personal development. Making HR Department more supportive and beneficial for the company. Creating more added value in HR management.
Better understanding of HR management as part of business plan and business goals. Competency profiles for relevant job positions defined and key performance indicators set. A job description format was developed, as well as tools and procedures for performance improvement and competency development. Guidelines for coaching, appraisals and developing performance improvement plans for individual employees. Many starting points delivered for an HR action plan.