Client Profile:
The Coaching for Employment and Entrepreneurship (C4EE) is meant to help longterm young job seekers to improve their employability and/or their entrepreneuriel skills. The program was developed by the school for social work in Lucerne and Swisscontact has successfully established C4EE among NGOs across Albania. Currently, C4EE is being institutionalised in the state driven National Employment Service (NES) and its 25 regional offices across Albania.
The SEC expert was expected to work on the managerial and communicative preconditions that are vital for the successful application of C4EE among NES offices.
After visits in 6 regional NES offices and systematic interviews with managers and social workers, discussions with C4EE representatives of Swisscontact and a workshop with NES head office executives a draft of a SWOT analysis and 17 recommendations including guidelines for implementation was worked out by the SEC expert. The recommendations focused on: – shifting the NES’ principle objectives from “employments” to “employability”, – increasing the efficiency and capacity of frontline services to job seekers (shifting workforce from backoffice to frontline), – expanding competences and responsibilities of NES regional offices. The resulting report was presented to the NES head office and the CEOs of the NES regional offices.