Client Profile:
Medium-sized general contractor for the planning, construction and sale of apartments, villas and industrial facilities to private clients. Own carpentry and metal workshop. Future plans include a focus on social housing constructions. Ca. 66 employees (FTE). Activities are focused in one city, with few regional and national activities.
Analysis of the current enterprise in technical and administrative areas to be able to better exploit future market opportunities and market niches, including at the regional and national levels.
As a result of the COCID 19 pandemic, the need to optimize the technical and administrative business and production processes, contract management and cost management has become acute.
Based on an in-depth analysis of the company by means of a detailed questionnaire, we developed a concrete and holistic strategy and secured the management’s approval. Development of management tools for risk management and quality management. Development of basics for cost management, contract and change management and for controlling.
Introduction of and training on use of the various tools, using numerous concrete examples, standardized documents, lists and tables.