Client Profile:
The client is a combined mill – durum and soft wheat. The company is producing flour and semolina. The flour will be delivered in many bakeries in Quito, in many regions in Ecuador and in SuperMaxi, the biggest food supplier in Ecuador. The semolina will be sent directly to the five pasta lines next to the mill building. The pasta will be also sold to the SuperMaxi and other smaller markets in Ecuador.
The following tasks were assigned to the expert:
- Identify the current milling diagram;
- Analyse the proper use and efficiency of each team;
- make Laboratory and bakery necessary tests;
- Finding critical points affecting efficiencies and qualities of the two types of flours that produce: 60% semolina pasta; and 40% flour to bakeries.
Once identified the critical points:
- Perform and / or propose necessary changes for improvement and uniformity of grinding and therefore the quality of flour.
- Plant milling and laboratory personnel training on various theoretical points and make it safe
All goals have been reached and two new products have been produced directly from the mill. White flour and whole wheat flour (harina integrale). Very concluent tests were made in the laboratory and in different bakeries in Quito. The mill capacity was increased by more than 5%. 106 to in 24 hours for soft wheat and 100 to 24 in durum wheat.